Hedy Lamarr

Switzerland / Germany / Canada, January 2006
FILM, Documentary, 85 min.

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directed by
Fosco Dubini, Donatello Dubini, Barbara Obermaier
Written by
Fosco Dubini, Donatello Dubini, Barbara Obermaier
In distribution

Actress Hedy Lamarr was considered by the MGM-tycoon Louis B. Mayer to be “the most beautiful woman of the century”. However, he couldn’t guess that the Hollywood film star, who first became popular with the 1932 erotic film ‘Ecstasy’, would pave the way for today’s digital world of wireless communications with her invention. Patent number 2,292,387, awarded in 1942, was for the Secret Communication System, a torpedo guidance system to which the control signal changed frequencies to avoid enemy jamming, a system which forms the backbone of today’s communication networks. Changing frequencies was also part and parcel of Hedy Lamarr’s whole life: Hedy the actress, Hedy the mystery, Hedy in private, and Hedy the inventor. Who was this bewitching and elusive woman, who fascinated millions, but spent the end of her days, alone and poor in Florida?


World Premiere
January 2006
Original Version
English, German (german subtitles),  colour and b/w, Digi Beta, 85 min.
Tre Valli Filmproduktion, Dubini Filmproduktion, Obermaier Filmproduction, MI Films, ZDF/ARTE, 3sat
directed by
Fosco Dubini, Donatello Dubini, Barbara Obermaier
Written by
Fosco Dubini, Donatello Dubini, Barbara Obermaier
Donatello Dubini
Donatello Dubini, Fosco Dubini

World Sales / World Rights

World Rights
Tre Valli Filmproduktion

Worldwide Distribution

Real Fiction Filmverleih Distribution
Contact Film Distribution


(a selection)
