Hans im Glück

Lucky Jack – Three Attempts to Stop Smoking
Jean le Bienheureux – Trois tentatives d'arrêter le tabac

Switzerland, August 2003
FILM, Documentary, 88 min.

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directed by
Peter Liechti
Written by
Peter Liechti
In distribution

The story of a man who sets out to get rid of his habit of smoking. Thus he plans to walk from Zurich, his present residence, “back” to his native town St. Gallen, where he started to smoke a long time ago. He is prepared to repeat this journey – everytime choosing another route – so often until his goal has been achieved: finally non-smoker! By way of the ritual walking across the countryside and the strict ban on smoking he imposes on himself on the way, he hopes to be freed of his burdening vices. This search for the source of his addiction becomes more and more an actual search for his home, an attempt to re-establish the connection with his own origin. All these landscapes, encounters and recollections, that he walks through on his mostly rather strange non-smoker’s trips, finally form the basis to a cinematic heaven and hell ride right across his fatherland – with occasional excursions far beyond the borders. « Lucky Jack» is a reckoning and a declaration of love. A road movie for pedestrians, a film in regional setting for homeless people. A dedication to all smokers and other addicts, to all unlucky devils who have still remained decent – and of course to Lucky Jacks everywhere.


World Premiere
August 2003
Original Version
Swiss-German, German,  colour, 35mm, 88 min.
Liechti Filmproduktion GmbH, SRF Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen
Peter Liechti
directed by
Peter Liechti
Written by
Peter Liechti
Peter Liechti
Tania Stöcklin
Norbert Möslang, voice crack
Location Sound Mix
Dieter Lengacher

World Sales / World Rights

World Rights
Liechti Filmproduktion GmbH

Worldwide Distribution

Look Now! Distribution


(a selection)


(a selection)
