Swiss animation film wins award in Italy


The five-minute animation film “Tôt ou tard” by Jadwiga Kowalska was honoured with the “Corriere Off Award – Short in Web”, amounting to 1,000 euros, at the 9th Circuito Off International Short Film Festival in Venice (August 30-September 5, 2008). Kowalska’s graduation film from the Lucerne School of Art and Design, which combines a computer-based technique and paper cutouts, has won four awards amounting to more than 4,500 Swiss francs in the past month and a half.
At the end of August the animation film by Jadwiga Kowalska, born in Bern, won an award for Best Film under 5 Minutes in the “Concortissimo” section, amounting to 250 euros, at the 7th Concorto Film Festival in the Italian city of Pontenure (August 27-31, 2008). In July “Tôt ou tard” had already won the “Soave Ways” prize the 14th San Gío Video Festival in Verona (July 23-27, 2008), after having won an Honourable Mention just two weeks before at the 1st Animator International Animated Film Festival in Poznan, Poland (July 7-12, 2008), with a monetary award of approximately 2,500 Swiss francs. Since ist premiere at the festival in Lucerne in November of last year, the Swiss animation film has garnered no less than ten festival prizes.

Geneva, September 9, 2008