13 Swiss short films in Trouville-sur-Mer


At the 8th Trouville "Off Courts" short film meeting (August 31 - September 8, 2007), Swiss filmmaking will be a center focus of the festival.

In addition to eight short films selected by SWISS FILMS, five Swiss productions will be part of the program.

The program put together by SWISS FILMS includes four animated films ("Le génie de la boîte de raviolis", "Tartes aux pommes", "Botteoubateau", "Wolkenbruch"), three fiction films ("Rachel", "Frohe Ostern/Happy Easter", "Nouvel ordre"), and one documentary film ("Wir sind dir treu").

The following five Swiss productions will also be shown as part of the "Off Courts" meeting: "Chambre 24" (International Program), "Einspruch III", "Schenglet", "Herr Iseli", and "The Collector" (Children's Program).

As a special feature, the festival in the Lower Normandy region presents screenings via video server. Each summer, "Off Courts" attracts more than 6,000 viewers.

