Those Next to Us

Switzerland / Austria / Mexico / Germany, August 2023
FILM, Documentary, 30 min.

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directed by
Bernhard Hetzenauer
Written by
Bernhard Hetzenauer, Germán López Rosales
In distribution

In breathtaking words, Germán López Rosales from Mexico talks about his experience during a human-smuggling operation from Mexican border town Laredo to San Antonio, Texas in July 2017. Locked up inside a tractor-trailer, eight out of thirty-nine immigrants died that day next to Germán because of extreme heat and lack of water. Two others died later in the hospital. Distant wide angle shots of the deserted Texan landscapes, suburbs and highways create a strong contrast to Germán's intimate testimony.

Usando parole mozzafiato, Germán López Rosales dal Messico racconta la sua esperienza durante un’operazione di traffico di esseri umani dalla città di confine Laredo, Texas, fino a San Antonio. Rinchiusi dentro un rimorchio, otto dei 39 migranti quel giorno morirono accanto a Germán a causa del caldo estremo e per mancanza d’acqua. Altri due morirono in seguito in ospedale. Scatti grandangolari a distanza di sobborghi e autostrade texani e il ritmo lento del montaggio del film contribuiscono a porre la testimonianza di Germán al centro del film.
