Le ultime cose

Italy / Switzerland / France, September 2016
FILM, Fiction, 85 min.

Als Favorit speichern
directed by
Irene Dionisio
Written by
Irene Dionisio
In distribution

Turin, in a pawnshop. A bittersweet multitude pawns their possessions, awaiting repurchase or the final auction. Among the thousands of faces constituting the human inventory of our time, three stories are intertwined on the thin line of moral debt. Sandra, a young transsexual, has just returned to the city in an attempt to escape the past and a failed love. Stefano, newly hired, is confronted with the tough reality of working life and is witness to the miserable schemes behind the scenes at the shop. Michele, retired, finds himself embroiled in the pawn traffic in order to repay a debt. A choral recounting of life in a world of great inequity.

A Torino una moltitudine dolceamara porta in pegno i propri averi, in attesa del riscatto o dell’asta finale. Tra i mille volti che raccontano l’inventario umano della crisi, tre storie si intrecciano inconsapevolmente sulla sottile linea del debito morale. Sandra, giovane trans, per sfuggire al passato porta in vendita la sua pelliccia. Il suo sguardo incrocerà quello di Stefano, novellino appena entrato al banco, spingendola verso una tenera ossessione. Michele, ex facchino in pensione, chiede un prestito ad un parente, ma questo si rivelerà fatalmente la persona sbagliata.


World Premiere
September 2016
Original Version
Italian (english subtitles),  colour, DCP, 85 min.
tempesta srl, Amka Films Productions SA, Ad Vitam, RAI Cinema, RSI Radiotelevisione svizzera
Carlo Cresto-Dina, Tiziana Soudani, Alexandra Henochsberg, Gregory Gajos, Arthur Hallereau
directed by
Irene Dionisio
Written by
Irene Dionisio
Caroline Champetier
Aline Hervé
Location Sound Mix
François Musy, Marc Thill
Silvia Nebbiolo


Fabrizio Falco as Stefano
Roberto De Francesco as Sergio
Christina Andrea Rosamilia as Sandra
Alfonso Santagata as Michele
Salvatore Cantalupo as Angelo
Anna Ferruzzo as Anna
Nicole De Leo as Marilù
Maria Jenny d'Aquino as Rosa
Annig Raimondi as Ida

World Sales / World Rights

World Sales
Alma Cinema


(a selection)
