Blue Mountain

Switzerland, August 1996
FILM, Fiction, 95 min.

Save as Favorite
directed by
Thomas Tanner
Written by
Gabriele Strohm
In distribution

Everything is in perfect order at the Balmer villa. Manfred is a successful businessman, Renate is a thorough housewife and their twelve-year-old daughter Sonia a well-behaved girl. But appearances are deceptive. In a mysterious ritual, Sonia places stones at the entrance to her room, as if to ward off the dark spirits which haunt her dreams. She finds a friend in her sixteen-year-old neighbour Melanie. A wild and independent person, she teachers Sonia things her parents would never dream of doing: how to start a Harley Davidson, how to skip ballet lessons, how to come by a leather jacket for free – and how to enjoy life. But it all suddenly changes.


World Premiere
August 1996
Original Version
Swiss-German (french subtitles),  colour, 35mm, 95 min.
Boa Filmproduktion AG, SRF Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen, Teleclub AG
directed by
Thomas Tanner
Written by
Gabriele Strohm
Philippe Cordey
Bernhard Lehner
Re-Recording Mix
Jürg von Allmen
Carl Hänggi


Chandra Götz
Eva Scheurer
Wolf Hofer
Sabina Lüthi
Daniel Bill

World Sales / World Rights

World Rights
Boa Filmproduktion AG


(a selection)
