Tribute to Swiss animation in Moscow

The Big Cartoon Festival in Moscow, one of the most prominent festivals for animation film productions in Russia, will present three Swiss film programmes, curated in collaboration with the national film promotion agency.


The Big Cartoon Festival in Moscow, one of the most prominent festivals for animation film productions in Russia, will present three Swiss film programmes, curated in collaboration with the national film promotion agency. In addition, Georges Schwizgebel will conduct a masterclass.

After its first presence in Moscow last year, Swiss animation filmmaking will be honoured once again at the 7th Big Cartoon Festival from October 31 - November 11. The festival will present three programmes organised in collaboration with SWISS FILMS, the national promotion agency: a homage to the master of animation Georges Schwizgebel, as well as two panoramas comprised of 28 film productions offering a glimpse of some 50 years of animation filmmaking in Switzerland (1967 – 2013).

Georges Schwizgebel special
The special programme comprises fifteen films by Schwizgebel, the master of animation from Geneva. The Russian audience may especially look forward to seeing “78 tours” (1985), “La course à l’abîme” (1992) and “La jeune fille et les nuages” (Die Wolken und das Mädchen, 2000), three characteristic works by this filmmaker who has perfected the art of metamorphose. Georges Schwizgebel will also offer a masterclass in the Russian capital.

Swiss panorama in two parts
One of the panorama programmes at the Big Cartoon Festival will showcase works by some of the best-known representatives of Swiss animation filmmaking: for example, Nag Ansorge (“Les corbeaux,” 1967, and “Sabbat,” 1991); Claude Luyet (“Le carré de lumière,” 1992); and Isabelle Favez (“Tarte aux pommes,” 2006). A second programme will present more recent productions, focusing on currently popular Swiss animation filmmakers from Switzerland: for example, Michaela Müller (“Miramare,” 2009); Claude Barras (“Chambre 69,” 2012); Marina Rosset (“Laterarius,” 2010); and Michael Frei (“Plug & Play,” 2013).

Rolf Bächler and AnimaLab
The animation specialist Rolf Bächler will give a talk at a conference on animation filmmaking in Switzerland. Furthermore, Sophie Haller and Lorenz Wunderle, two students from the Lucerne School of Art and Design (HSLU), will take part in AnimaLab, a platform aimed at promoting the exchange of ideas and networking among animation film students. The Big Cartoon Festival is a non-competitive film festival and considered the leading platform for animation films in Russia. The Swiss presence in Moscow is part of the “Swiss Made in Russia” cultural exchange programme carried out in collaboration with Pro Helvetia.

Geneva, October 30, 2013
