Swiss short film productions at the 25th Brest European Short Film Festival

Two of the seven Swiss short film productions screened at the 25th Brest European Short Film Festival in (November 8-14, 2010) will be presented in the European Competition.


Two of the seven Swiss short film productions screened at the 25th Brest European Short Film Festival in (November 8-14, 2010) will be presented in the European Competition: David Maye’s short feature film “Angela” and Nicolas Steiner’s “Ich bin's Helmut” (It's Me Helmut). The two student films will be competing against 43 other films from all over Europe for the Grand Prize.

David Maye, director of "Angela" and student at the Ecole cantonale d'art de Lausanne (ECAL), will accompany his film in Bretagne before presenting it at the Short Film Festival Winterthur. Both festivals take place simultaneously.

Five other Swiss short film productions will be screened in parallel sections of the festival in Brest: for example, the staged documentary film "Emozioniere" (Tears Sell) by Simon Baumann and Andreas Pfiffner; and the science fiction film "Lester" by Pascal Forney. The festival in Bretagne is the second largest festival for this genre following the International Short Film Festival in Clermont-Ferrand. The festival programme in 2008 was comprised of over 200 films selected from more than 45,500 submissions. The festival aims to preview the newest talent in narrative and aesthetic trends in contemporary European filmmaking. It also has a market platform for professionals in the film industry, showcasing some 1,400 short film productions.

Geneva/Zurich, November 5, 2010

