Stefan Jäger wins directing award (Regiepreis) in Schwerin


On the occasion of the 18th Filmkunstfest Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, which ended on May 4, 2008 in Schwerin, Swiss director Stefan Jäger won the NDR-Regiepreis worth 5000 Euros for his film “Hello Goodbye”. This prize has now been awarded for the forth time in succession to a young Swiss director.
“Hello Goodbye” is dedicated to the taboo subject dignified dying. An uncommon topic which is narrated – in the opinion of the five-member jury – with “much tenderness”, “much sensation and joie de vivre” by the director and his two marvellous actors.

The award sponsored by Norddeutscher Rundfunk NDR, was won in 2005 by Bettina Oberli and in 2006 by Stina Werenfels for their debuts as a director with their films “Im Nordwind” and “Nachbeben” respectively. In 2007, Oliver Rihs was presented with the award for his film “Schwarze Schafe”.

Zurich, May 5, 2008