Italian and Swiss filmmakers meet in Stresa


Six weeks before the opening of the 59th Locarno International Film Festival, filmmakers from Italy and Switzerland are meeting at the opposite end of the Lago Maggiore in the town of Stresa from June 23-25, 2006. On the occasion of this first edition of the “Incontri cinematografici italo-svizzeri,” which Switzerland supports through SWISS FILMS, the Istituto Svizzero, and the Cinémathèque Suisse, several important films will be shown, among them the movie theatre hit “Mein Name ist Eugen,” (My name is Eugene) which will celebrate its Italian premiere.
Along with six Italian productions, the following Swiss feature films completed within the last two years will be part of the program: “Absolut” by Romed Wyder, “Im Nordwind/North Wind” by Bettina Oberli, “Straehl” by Manuel Flurin Hendry, and “Die Vogelpredigt oder Das Schreien der Mönche/St. Francis Bird Tour” by Clemens Klopfenstein with the director in attendance. In the evening, open-air screenings will take place in the park of the Villa Ducale: “La vocation d’André Carrel/The Vocation of André Carrel” by Jean Choux, produced in 1925, and restored by the Cinémathèque Suisse will be shown accompanied by live music. Also presented under the open sky will be “Mein Name ist Eugen”, with director Michael Steiner and producer Bruno Seeman (Kontraproduktion, Zurich) in attendance.

Film and television representatives will participate in panel discussions organized in cooperation with the MEDIA desk Turin: In a discussion on screenplay development and film schools, Cecilia Liveriero Lavelli and Lucie Bader will represent the CISA Film School in Lugano and the Zurich School of Art and Design. The two Ticino film producers Tiziana Soudani (Amka Film) and Elda Guidinetti (Ventura Film) will participate in a forum on film directing and producing, while television producer Federico Jolli (TSI) and TV-buyer Fabrizio Liberti (RAI) will talk about film distribution.

The meeting of Italian and Swiss filmmakers was initiated by Modulo Lem, a young organizational team with members from the film festivals in Venice and Turin. Based on a bilateral co-production agreement established in1993, “Incontri cinematografici italo-svizzeri”, seeks to foster an active dialogue among filmmakers of the two countries.

Zurich, June 20th, 2006