Foreign distribution promoted for four Swiss films
The theatrical releases of the fiction films “La petite chambre” by Stéphanie Chuat and Véronique Reymond and “L’enfance d’Icare” by Alexandre Iordachescu in France as well as “Film Socialisme” by Jean-Luc Godard in Spain will be supported with financial contributions totaling 55’000 Euro (71’000 CHF).
Since 2007, SWISS FILMS has promoted the export of Swiss films and majority co-productions for theatrical distribution abroad. A total of 300'000 CHF are available to support export projects. Foreign distributors, which bring Swiss films to movie screens, will receive a total of 25'000 Euro (32'500 CHF) per film and per country. Distributors from MEDIA member countries have priority for receiving grants, while the funding cannot be combined with the MEDIA selective support.
Members of the "Utilization and Diversity" committee, presided over by Carola Stern are: Frank Braun (movie theatre Riff Raff, Zurich), Laurent Dutoit (Agora Films, Genf), and Cyril Thurston (Xenix Film Distribution, Zurich). SWISS FILMS and the Swiss Federal Office of Culture serve in an advisory role. The grants are awarded in four rounds (March, July, September, December).
Zurich, December 21st, 2010
Distribution Support, fourth round 2010 PDF