“Der Verdingbub” wins Audience Award in Leipzig

The Swiss fiction film “Der Verdingbub” was honoured with the auspicious Audience Award for distribution in Germany at the “Filmkunstmesse Leipzig” on September 21.


The Swiss fiction film “Der Verdingbub” was honoured with the auspicious Audience Award for distribution in Germany at the “Filmkunstmesse Leipzig” on September 21. The five Swiss film productions poised for theatrical release in our neighbouring country to the north will soon be contending for the favour of audiences.

The Swiss film “Der Verdingbub” by Markus Imboden at the 12th “Filmkunstmesse Leipzig” (September 17-21, 2012) won the Audience Award, endowed with EUR 2,500. The fiction film, already been seen by nearly a quarter of a million viewers in Switzerland, was among the 40 films presented to the audience as German previews. It will be released in cinemas in Germany on October 11 (distributor: Ascot Elite).

Forum for new art-house films
The “Filmkunstmesse Leipzig” serves as a platform for professionals from the film industry not only to view films long before they are released to cinemas, but also to discuss together marketing issues and the potential of the individual films and to develop strategies for the future of cinematic art in seminars, workshops and discussion forums. A selection of 40 films are presented as previews to the public in Leipzig. Apart from “Der Verdingbub,” the other films from Switzerland among the works included the following: “Der böse Onkel” by Urs Odermatt (distributor: Deja-vu Film); “Die Kinder vom Napf” by Alice Schmid (MFA); “L’enfant d’en haut” by Ursula Meier (Arsenal Filmverleih); and “Stationspiraten” by Michael Schaerer (Alpha Medienkontor).

Zurich, September 22, 2012
