Spectacular Life

Switzerland, Planned for 2nd quarter 2025
FILM, Fiction, 120 min.

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directed by
Davide Romeo
Written by
Davide Romeo
IMDb Link

The audience follows Davide Romeo, a circus artist, who films a movie during his tour with Circus Monti in Switzerland. Inspired by his surroundings, Romeo turns his life into an artistic journey where art and reality merge. Through complex relationships and the struggle for personal affirmation, a meta-film emerges, breaking conventions and giving the audience a glimpse behind the fiction.

In "Spectacular Life" il pubblico segue Davide Romeo, un artista circense, che durante la sua tournée con il Circus Monti in Svizzera gira un film. Ispirato dall'ambiente che lo circonda, Romeo trasforma la sua vita in un viaggio artistico in cui arte e realtà si fondono. Con relazioni complesse e la lotta per l'affermazione personale, emerge un meta-film che rompe le convenzioni e offre allo spettatore uno sguardo dietro la finzione.


World Premiere
Planned for 2nd quarter 2025
Original Version
120 min.
Quarantine Production
Davide Romeo
directed by
Davide Romeo
Written by
Davide Romeo
Davide Romeo
Davide Romeo
Location Sound Mix
Davide Romeo
Sound Editing
Marco Viale
Sound Design
Marco Viale
Lorenzo Soldini
Special Effects
Alessandro Santillo


Davide Romeo as Romeo
Matthias Schoch

World Sales / World Rights

World Rights
Quarantine Production