Mife et Miso vont en bateau

Mife et Miso go Boating

Switzerland, Planned for 4th quarter 2024
FILM, Fiction, 19 min.

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directed by
Sara Dutch
In distribution

In the near future, Xzir, a woman in her thirties, finds herself faced with an unwanted pregnancy. In the ultra-digital, techno-authoritarian society in which she lives, pregnancies are automatically entered in a national register and monitored by the state, abortions are banned. Xzir is going to take the illegal path of the DarkWeb to end her pregnancy, whatever the cost.


World Premiere
Planned for 4th quarter 2024
Original Version
French (english subtitles),  colour, DCP, 19 min.
Futur Proche, École cantonale d'art de Lausanne Département Cinéma, Haute école d'art et de design - Genève (HEAD – Genève) Département Cinéma
Antoine Harari, Paolo Moretti, Jean-Guillaume Sonnier, Anita Hugi
directed by
Sara Dutch
Francisca Sáez Agurto
Aline Bonvin Diarra
Location Sound Mix
Gemma Ushengewe
Sound Editing
Julian Mauricio Egger
Re-Recording Mix
Michael Girod


Nastassja Tanner as Xzir
Nasma Moutaouakil as Vrex

World Sales / World Rights

World Rights
Master ECAL/HEAD , Futur Proche
Festival Distribution
Master ECAL/HEAD , Futur Proche