J'peux pas perdre

I Can't Lose
Non posso perdere

Switzerland, Planned for April 2025
FILM, Documentary, 19 min.

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directed by
Sarah Zein, Idris Ben Henda
Written by
Idris Ben Henda, Sarah Zein
In distribution

Every day, Chouaib, a 20-year-old, goes door to door, trying—sometimes successfully, sometimes not—to sell frozen products to strangers. Since his father left, he has lived alone with his mother and sister. Rather than following the conventional path to success, Chouaib is determined to chase his dream of becoming a rap star. With firm determination, he and his group of friends push forward, supporting each other in their relentless pursuit of a better life.

Ogni giorno Chouaib, 20 anni, bussa alle porte degli sconosciuti e fa del suo meglio per vendere cibo surgelato. Rimasto solo con la madre e la sorella da quando il padre se n'è andato di casa, Chouaib si allontana dal classico modello di successo con la convinzione di poter vivere il suo sogno: diventare una star del rap. Con determinazione lui e il suo gruppo di amici si impegnano e si sostengono a vicenda, alla ricerca di una vita grandiosa.


World Premiere
Planned for April 2025
Original Version
French (english subtitles),  colour, ProRes 422, 19 min.
Haute école d'art et de design - Genève (HEAD – Genève) Département Cinéma
Anita Hugi
directed by
Sarah Zein, Idris Ben Henda
Written by
Idris Ben Henda, Sarah Zein
Idris Ben Henda, Sarah Zein
Sarah Zein, Idris Ben Henda
Sound Editing
Idris Ben Henda, Sarah Zein
Re-Recording Mix
Philippe Ciompi, Mathis Damour

World Sales / World Rights

World Rights
Haute école d'art et de design - Genève (HEAD – Genève)
Festival Distribution
Haute école d'art et de design - Genève (HEAD – Genève)

Worldwide Distribution

Haute école d'art et de design - Genève (HEAD – Genève) Distribution