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Switzerland / Germany, February 2008
FILM, Documentary, 52 min.

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directed by
Eric Bergkraut
In distribution

Anna Politkovskaja was shot in the lift of her Moscow apartment block on 7th October 2006. Her untimely death was not only a personal tragedy, but also a political act. How did it get to this: that this elegant woman, who had always stood up for the weak and for those without a voice, would be shot in cold blood? Bergkrauts incisive documentary is both a personal investigation and a political film.


World Premiere
February 2008
Original Version
German,  colour, HD24p, 52 min.
p.s. 72 productions GmbH, zero one film GmbH, SRF Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen, RTS Radio Télévision Suisse, RSI Radiotelevisione svizzera, ZDF / 3sat, ARD
Eric Bergkraut
directed by
Eric Bergkraut