Adam et Eve

Switzerland / France, October 1983
FILM, Fiction, 64 min.

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directed by
Michel Soutter
Written by
Michel Soutter, Pascal Lainé
In distribution

When Louis Bolomey arrives home from work he finds a letter waiting for him: his mother has died, and his wife is going to leave him. He is stunned. He tries to understand: why this sickness, why this separation, why this curse that has pursued us since the world began? Why such longing? Gourdou has an explanation. “It is written in the Seriptures. Because we were not always like this. Once, a long time ago, we were banished, and we forget ...” Bolomey reads the Scriptures. He gets to know Lydie (she, too, has been abandoned). And the transformation begins. Bolomey begins a new life. With Lydie's help, but with the aim of getting Adrienne back, he starts to rebuild the neglected garden. Will Adrienne come back to him?


World Premiere
October 1983
Original Version
French,  colour, 16mm, 64 min.
RTS Radio Télévision Suisse, Antenne 2
directed by
Michel Soutter
Written by
Michel Soutter, (based on a novel by C. F. Ramuz) Pascal Lainé
Didier Périat, Michel Cugno


Roger Jendly

World Sales / World Rights

World Rights
RTS Radio Télévision Suisse