Sorry, No Vacancies
Désolé, complet!
Switzerland / United Kingdom / Germany, November 2001
63 min.
- directed by
- Marie-Jeanne Urech
- Status
- In distribution
A bed & breakfast hotel in London with one hundred bedrooms and a sign on the front door: “No Vacancies”. Two words enough to identify a hotel for “council people”-euphemism for refugees, homeless people, mentally disturbed and others who have their accommodation paid and arranged by the local Council while they do not have a permanent place to live. One hotel but different worlds: they come from Afghanistan, Equador, Pakistan or Scotland, they lived on streets, had their family killed in their country or suffered from post-traumatic disorders, they are muslim, catholic or hinduist, some don't speak a word of English, others have been brought up in England, they are in “hotels” since 2 weeks, 7 months or 5 years, their names are Saeed, Monica, Riad or Denise. Shot over a three months period “Sorry, no vacancies” is a film about a closed and transitional universe in which eight residents try to re-organise their world having nothing in common but a difficult past.
- World Premiere
- November 2001
- Original Version
- English (french subtitles), colour, Digi Beta, 63 min.
- Production
- Françoise Rapin, The London Film School, Filmuniversität Babelsberg Konrad Wolf
- Producer
- directed by
- Marie-Jeanne Urech
- Cinematography
- Marie-Jeanne Urech
World Sales / World Rights
- World Rights
- Françoise Rapin
(a selection)
- dokumentART, Lobende Erwähnung 2002 (Winner)
- dokumentART, Publikumspreis des NDR 2002 (Winner)
(a selection)
Solothurn, Solothurner Filmtage
20.01.2003 - 26.01.2003 -
Montreal, RIDM Rencontres internationales du documentaire de Montréal
15.11.2002 - 21.11.2002 -
08.10.2002 - 13.10.2002 -
Docs for Sale
23.11.2001 - 30.11.2001 -
Amsterdam, 14th International Documentary Film Festival
22.11.2001 - 02.12.2001