Halleluja! der Herr ist verrückt

Halleluja! The Lord is Mad
Alléluia! le Seigneur est cinglé

Switzerland, April 2004
FILM, Documentary, 87 min.

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directed by
Alfredo Knuchel
Written by
Alfredo Knuchel
In distribution

This documentary introduces six present day artists who follow in the artistic footsteps of their famous predecessor Adolf Wölfi. Considered as one of the pillars of Art Brut, Wölfi lived in the former Waldau mental clinic near Berne from 1895 until his death in 1930. The present-day clinic has since become the University of Psychiatric Services UPD Berne and houses one of the world's most famous collections of artwork by psychiatric patients from the last century. To this day, it upholds its tradition of according patients the space to explore artistic freedom. Using the Museum of Psychiatry's collection as a basis, the film offers a compelling view of art and the human mind.

Adolf Wölfli, il celebre rappresentante dell’Art Brut, ha vissuto, tra il 1895 e la morte, nel 1930, nell’antico manicomio di Waldau, vicino a Berna, successivamente trasformato nella moderna clinica psichiatrica UPD Waldau. Questa clinica ospita una delle più note raccolte di arte psichiatrica degli ultimi secoli, mantenendo viva la tradizione che consiste nel concedere ai pazienti degli spazi di espressione artistica. Prendendo le mosse da Wölfli e dalla collezione del museo psichiatrico, il film presenta cinque pittori e una pittrice viventi, che si sono avvalsi di questa possibilità, forgiandosi una forte identità artistica.


World Premiere
April 2004
Original Version
Swiss-German,  colour, 35mm, 87 min.
Alfredo Knuchel, SRF Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen
directed by
Alfredo Knuchel
Written by
Alfredo Knuchel
Peter Guyer, Norbert Wiedmer
Stefan Kälin
Mischa Käser
Location Sound Mix
Balthasar Jucker, Alain Roulet

World Sales / World Rights

World Rights
Alfredo Knuchel

Worldwide Distribution

Frenetic Films Distribution


(a selection)


(a selection)
