Our values

SWISS FILMS develops its organisation and activities in accordance with the latest requirements. These are continuously adapted to current and future challenges.

The following core values serve as our guiding principles: 

Efficiency and effectiveness

We endeavour to the pursue the objectives of the foundation as efficiently and effectively as possible. The organisation strives to achieve the greatest possible outcome with the existing resources.

Checks and balances

We implement appropriate organisational measures to ensure a balance between management and governance. This ensures that responsibility and oversight are clearly separated.


We attach great importance to transparency with regard to our principles, objectives, structures ad activities. We endeavour to make information about our work widely available to the public and maintain an open and cooperative relationship with various interest groups.

Social responsibility

We do not pursue any self-serving interests and uphold the principle of non-profit-making. We pay particular attention to an agile organisation structure, a diverse composition of committees, sustainability and respectful behaviour:

  • Diversity and inclusion: We are committed to promoting diversity and equal opportunities at all levels of the organisation. This includes the representation of different groups and access to our services as well as the employment and practices of our organisation. We aim to be able to guarantee these principles with our code of conduct for employees.
  • Sustainability: The foundation pursues a sustainable use of natural resources and strives to measure, reduce and offset its CO2 emissions.

We align our values with the UN’s seventeen Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which form the core of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and aim to contribute to the following four core themes:  SDG 5 (Gender equality), SDG 9 (Industry, innovation and infrastructure), SDG 13 (Climate action) and SDG 16 (Peace, justice and strong institutions).

We are also committed to regularly reviewing our activities in relation to these values. Our further achievements in these areas are disclosed in the annual report.
