International industry



Spreading the word about Swiss films: we advise distributors and world sales agents on our support measures and help them export Swiss films to the rest of the world.

We maintain close contacts with world sales agents and international distributors, keeping them informed about the latest Swiss productions. Our SWISS FILMS Previews give international industry professionals at a number of hand-picked Swiss film festivals the opportunity to get to know new films shortly before their release. And SWISS FILMS also maintains a Short Film Library where Swiss-made shorts can be viewed.

Would you like to add Swiss films to your line-up?

You can find information about Swiss films that are currently showing at festivals, about to be released or in production in our SWISS FILMS line-up and via the film search function.

We will be happy to advise you on our worldwide Distribution Support, our Film Sales Support and our VOD Support.

You can find details of your direct contacts here.
