SoundTrack Cologne

02.07.- 05.07.2024

On the occasion of the Tour d'Europe, SWISS FILMS in partnership with the European Film Academy, is hosting a round table discussion during SoundTrack_Cologne, Europe's leading congress for music and sound in film, games and media.

Swiss film composer Nicolas Rabaeus who was awarded with two Swiss Film Awards this year, will discuss with Lorenz Dangel (German Film Award) and Judit Varga (Austrian Film Award) how prestigious awards can influence a composer’s career, shape industry standards and highlight emerging talent. Rabaeus, Dangel and Varga, bring a wealth of experience and unique perspectives to the table. All three composers are members of the European Film Academy.

The event is hosted by SWISS FILMS and is part of a yearlong program leading up to the European Film Awards 2024 in Lucerne, Switzerland which focuses on several key professions within the audiovisual industry. The panel will be hosted by Oscar-nominated composer Gary Yershon.

Round Table Film Prizes

July 3rd 2024, 14.30 - 15.30
Venue: Die Eins Comedia

With Judit Varga, Nicolas Rabaeus, Lorenz Dangel · Moderation: Gary Yershon


More on Composer Nicolas Rabaeus

Further Swiss guests at SoundTrack_Cologne are composers are

Marcel Vaid

Martin Häne

Adrian Frutiger

Marielène Froidevaux
