Natalka Vorozhbyt


Born 4 April 1975, Natalka is a Ukrainian playwright and screenwriter. In 2000 graduated from the Maxim Gorky Literature Institute. She has also studied at the International Writers Program. Together with the German director Georg Zheno she founded the Theater of the Displaced, where refugees from Donbas can tell their stories, and curated the Class Act project. She wrote the screenplay for the feature film CYBORGS about the defense of Sergei Prokoviev Airport near Donetsk, where Ukrainian soldiers fought for 242 days against separatists. Vorozhbyt traveled through the war zone for four months and spoke with those involved. The war situation in Ukraine is a frequent theme in her work.

(a selection)


Video Postcard From the Future by Bertrand Mandico, Annemarie Jacir, Nadav Lapid, Kantarama Gahigiri, Fredi M. Murer, Claire Simon, Alexsandr Sokurov, Andrea Štaka, Cyril Schäublin, Natalka Vorozhbyt, Kevin B. Lee