Sounding Board

Greater visibility for Swiss cinema nationally


The new cultural message 25-28 stipulates that from 2025 SWISS FILMS will also be responsible for developing promotional activities for the domestic market. The aim is to increase the visibility of Swiss cinema within our borders. On 23 August 2024, SWISS FILMS met with Swiss industry associations in Bern to discuss possible initial approaches to promotion for the domestic market.

On the “small stage” of the PROGR in Bern, SWISS FILMS sought dialogue with more than 50 representatives of the Swiss film industry. The main question asked was this: How can we raise the visibility of Swiss cinema within our own borders?

If the message on culture were to be adopted by Parliament within the planned scope next autumn, SWISS FILMS would then be given a new mission: In addition to its current responsibility for strengthening Swiss cinema at international level, it would have the task of raising awareness of Swiss film creation among the public, including in Switzerland. An annual budget of CHF 700,000 has been set aside for this purpose.

In summer 2024, SWISS FILMS worked with selected marketing and sales experts to develop initial strategic considerations on the possible direction of domestic promotion. This resulted in two major fields of action: On the one hand, additional partners are to be acquired for domestic promotion in order to multiply the funds initially earmarked by the BAK and increase the impact. On the other hand, the new marketing activities should appeal directly to audiences in Switzerland and thus provide additional support for the Swiss film industry. The implementation phase of the domestic promotion is to be accompanied by the industry involved and the BAK in a Sounding Board.

In Bern, SWISS FILMS presented the strategic preparatory work to numerous industry representatives, took on board suggestions and answered further questions. Catherine Mühlemann, President of SWISS FILMS: “There is still a lot to do. We take the feedback seriously and remain in dialogue with the industry. We would like to present the first concrete marketing ideas resulting from this in Solothurn in 2025.”
