
What results did Switzerland achieve as Country of Honour at the last Cannes Festival?

Almost four months have passed since Switzerland took part as Country of Honour in the world's biggest film market. The event was made possible by the committed collaboration of over 40 Swiss organisations. In the following retrospective, we would like to take stock of what has been achieved, based on results that speak for themselves.

Switzerland was invited to be the Country of Honour at the initiative of the Cannes Film Market. The presentation was carried out in close coordination with SWISS FILMS and in collaboration with more than 40 Swiss organisations active in the film and innovation sectors. They cooperated proactively in an unprecedented action, giving the international market a clear picture of the Swiss audiovisual creation. The declared aim of the project was to strengthen the access to the international market for Swiss filmmakers, raise the profile of Swiss film creation and increase the perception of Switzerland as an attractive co-production country and a place for innovation.

Large-scale cooperation

A remarkable alliance of Swiss industry organisations took part in the presentation: starting with production associations, promotional institutions, film commissions, film festivals, copyright societies and institutions such as the Cinémathèque Suisse and Pro Helvetia. For the first time, selected Swiss technology start-ups were also present from the outset. They showed how AI and interactive technologies from Switzerland are giving new impulsions to the film industry. The SRG and the FOC, as main partners, completed this unprecedented mix of partners. Together, they contributed more than CHF 350,000 to the project costs of around
CHF 560,000 sending out a clear signal in support of the Swiss film industry.

Record number of Swiss filmmakers at Cannes

More Swiss filmmakers than ever before travelled to Cannes. Market statistics show 312 accreditations for the market (69% more than the previous year) and 671 accreditations for the festivals (76% more than the previous year). This means that, in 2024, Switzerland was the 8th largest country delegation out of the 180 national representatives at the Film Market. A new record that demonstrates the importance of international cooperation for Swiss filmmakers. Federal Councillor Elisabeth Baume- Schneider was Switzerland's highest-ranking official representative at Cannes.

Successful integration of talents and projects on the market

In collaboration with the Marché du Film and Swiss partners, a total of 69 Swiss talents and 45 Swiss projects were integrated into 49 market events. As part of the programmes offered by the market (Goes to Cannes, Cannes Next, Cannes Docs, Shoot the Book, Spot the Composer, etc.), new networks were created and international projects were launched which should continue to make headlines in the near future. This is the case, for example, of Jacqueline Zünd's project DON'T LET THE SUN (CATCH YOU CRYING), for which she won a market award out of 35 projects. SWISS FILMS supported Swiss talents and projects on the market with a total of CHF 18,750.

Strong Swiss presence in Festival sections

The Swiss filmmaking also made a name for itself outside the film market. Four coproductions from the French-speaking part of Switzerland made their world premieres: DOG ON TRIAL and THE SHAMELESS were screened in the section “Un Certain Regard”, and the animated film SAVAGES was given a special screening. SOUTHERN BRIDES was presented as part of the “Semaine de la Critique” special programme. These four films are international coproductions and reflect the diversity of Swiss cinematographic creation. SWISS FILMS contributed CHF 50,296.70 to the promotion of these coproductions at the Cannes Film Festival through its Festival Support measures.

Strong presence in the media

On social media, SWISS FILMS accompanied the presentation and, from March to May 2024, reached over 636,000 contacts on its own channels with around 660 posts (1,919% more than the previous year). On the website, 134,000 users were reached during the same period, and a further 16,000 people were informed via the newsletter. Around 200 articles were published in the Swiss media on Switzerland's presentation at Cannes, significantly more than in previous years. A further sixty or so articles were published in the international trade media.

Nicola Ruffo, Director of SWISS FILMS: “This project has been a unique and instructive experience and a good starting point for further cooperation with our partners. It is only thanks to them and the Film Market team that we were able to achieve the ambitious goals we had set ourselves. Thank you all!”
