“A Song for Argyris” wins significant audience award in Thessaloniki


At the 9th International Documentary Film Festival, which ended on March 24, 2007 in Thessaloniki, Greece, the Swiss film “A Song for Argyris” by Stefan Haupt won the ERT3 audience award with a prize sum of 3,000 Euro. The Greek audience was deeply touched by the film, which traces the life story of Argyris Sfountouris who lost the majority of his family in a brutal massacre committed by German occupying forces in Distomo in June, 1944.
With the protagonist, the mayor, inhabitants of the martyr village of Distomo and the German General Consul in Thessaloniki in attendance, the film evoked memories of one of the darkest events of WWII in Greece, and triggered a strong emotional response by the audience, “A Song for Argyris” will be shown in Greek cinemas in the fall (Distribution: Filmtrade), after its theatrical release in Germany (Distribution: Salzgeber) and the French region of Switzerland (Distribution: Look Now!) in May, as well as in Austria in late summer (Distribution: Polyfilm).

Zurich, March 26, 2007