Z Kiew redt me Mundaart - Albert Bächtolds phantastische Reise

Albert Bächtold's Fantastic Journey
L'aventure fantastique d’Albert Bächtold

Switzerland, March 2015
FILM, Fiction, Documentary, 30 min.

Save as Favorite
directed by
Christina Ruloff
Written by
Christina Ruloff, Diego Häberli
In distribution

Seeking refuge from the rain in a second-hand bookshop, Irina comes across a fascinating story. Written in an old dialect, it tells the adventures of a young man who left Switzerland to seek his fame and fortune in the revolutionary times of the early 20th century. She discovers the author Albert Bächtold (1891-1981) and sees herself in a new light.


World Premiere
March 2015
Original Version
English, Swiss-German, Russian (french/english/german subtitles),  colour and b/w, ProRes 422, 30 min.
Verein Kunstförderung und Kulturvermittlung, Rulofffilms, Moduleplus GmbH
Beat Toniolo, Jo Müller, Christina Ruloff
directed by
Christina Ruloff
Written by
Christina Ruloff, Diego Häberli (based on Albert Bächtold's novels “Pjotr Ivànowitsch”, “De Silberstaab” and “De ander Wäg”)
Reto Troxler
Christina Ruloff, Reto Troxler
Sound Editing
Tibor Lörincz
Sound Design
Tibor Lörincz
Re-Recording Mix
Tibor Lörincz
Laura Stevens
Location Sound Mix
Tibor Lörincz, Jerome Longhi
Reto Troxler
Production Design
Marcus Göppner
Lighting Design
Fabian Lüscher
Monika Stahel, Anna Schneider


Andrea Zogg as Der Antiquar
Mara Thurnheer as Irina
Bernhard Schneider as Albert Bächtold
Thomas Messerli as Der Vetter
Hanta Külling as Der Schulleiter
David Bächi as Der Lehrerkollege
Leonie Oechslin as Vreneli
Diego Häberli as Der Freund Bächtolds
Ivana Martinovic as Die Freundin Bächtolds
Hans Ritzmann as Der Erzähler
Patrick Rapold as Joe
Jarreth Merz as Gefängniswärter
Yevgen Zhenilov as Der Kommissar
Denys Grossenbacher as Der Kappellmeister

World Sales / World Rights

World Rights
Verein Kunstförderung und Kulturvermittlung

Worldwide Distribution

Moduleplus GmbH Distribution