Un oiseau dans le plafond

France / Germany, November 2000
FILM, Fiction, 15 min.

Save as Favorite
directed by
Céline Macherel
Written by
Jean-Pierre Gos, Céline Macherel
In distribution

Edmond, a cuckoo performer, is all alone in the family clock. From generation to generation, Edmond's family has faithfully kept up its professional cuckoo tradition. Edmond is no different -- that is until one day Lucien, the cuckoo from the clock in the apartment next door and a childhood friend, comes to pay a visit…

Edmond, cantante di cucù, si sente solo nel suo orologio a pendolo. Da generazioni la sua famiglia si tramanda il mestiere di cucù. Il suo destino sembra dunque segnato, sino al giorno in cui Lucien, cucù della pendola del vicino e amico d'infanzia, lo va a trovare…


World Premiere
November 2000
Original Version
French,  colour, 35mm, 15 min.
4A4 Productions, Belle Journée Productions
directed by
Céline Macherel
Written by
Jean-Pierre Gos, Céline Macherel
Yorick Le Saux
Production Design
Fred Jacq


Bruno Abraham-Kramer

World Sales / World Rights

World Rights
4A4 Productions


(a selection)
