Stets gerne für Sie beschäftigt,…

Always Glad To Serve You,...

Switzerland, January 2011
FILM, Documentary, 30 min.

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directed by
Aldo Gugolz
Written by
Annegreth Schüle
In distribution

When millions of human beings were killed in Auschwitz and the other German concentration and extermination camps, the murderers were faced with technical problems. The killing and disposal of the corpses was to be carried out continuously and inexpensively in a manner which economized on fuel and left as little evidence behind as possible. The Erfurt family business J.A. Topf & Sons played a decisive role in this process. A film about this perfectly normal German company – a history beginning in nineteenth-century Erfurt and leading to the Auschwitz crematoria.


World Premiere
January 2011
Original Version
German,  colour and b/w, HD Cam, 30 min.
Revolumen Film
Aldo Gugolz
directed by
Aldo Gugolz
Written by
Annegreth Schüle
Istvan Imreh
Sound Editing
Daniel Weis
Sound Design
Ansgar Frerich
Re-Recording Mix
Ansgar Frerich
Philipp Scherrer
Location Sound Mix
Helge Haack

World Sales / World Rights

World Rights
Revolumen Film

Worldwide Distribution

Revolumen Film Distribution