Qui a encore peur du Niamou?

Wer fürchtet sich noch vor dem Niamou

France, July 1997
FILM, Documentary, 48 min.

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directed by
Hélène Faucherre
Written by
Hélène Faucherre
In distribution

The Guerzé are a remote people whose home is in the heart of the forest of Guinea, in the west of Africa. Paul, a member of this ethnic group who has spent 15 years of his life in France, returns to Guinea to do some research on his people and their history. He meets Mgr. Thea, a catholic priest from his home region, who tells him much about the rites of the sacred forest. Together they ponder their ancestral customs, the ways in which these have changed, and the purpose they ultimately serve.


World Premiere
July 1997
Original Version
French (english subtitles),  colour, Beta SP, 48 min.
Hélène Faucherre
directed by
Hélène Faucherre
Written by
Hélène Faucherre
Matthias Bürcher

World Sales / World Rights

World Rights
Hélène Faucherre