Mit einem Fuss im Jenseits

Switzerland, March 1996
FILM, Documentary, 52 min.

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directed by
Kurt Gloor
Written by
Kurt Gloor
In distribution

What happens when we die? What transmutations occur? What do we experience? No one can say for sure, for the dead do not give interviews. But some who have visited the antechambers of death – whether because they have survived a cardiac arrest, a collapsed circulatory system, or some other mishap – do come back to tell the tale. And many speak of incredible experiences in that mysterious twilight world beyond life and death.


World Premiere
March 1996
Original Version
Swiss-German, German,  colour, Beta SP, 52 min.
SRF Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen
Otto C. Honegger
directed by
Kurt Gloor
Written by
Kurt Gloor
Werner Schneider
Lighting Design
Werner Schneider

World Sales / World Rights

World Rights
SRF Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen