Les Météorologues du bout du Monde

Switzerland, 2002
FILM, Documentary, 13 min.

Save as Favorite
directed by
K-soul Cherix, Léonard Bernard
Written by
K-soul Cherix
In distribution

Mike Horn leaves on a solo expedition to circle the Arctic passing through the North Pole. His point of departure is an inhabited meteorological station, Sredny, in the extreme north of Siberia and of the planet. Here Mike meets four Russian scientists who have taken turns relaying each other for over 15 years, 24 hours a day, in the service of meteorology. At the edge of the floes this station is caught in the grip of the ice for eight months of the year. These charming individuals live in total isolation and under the most simple circumstances.


World Premiere
Original Version
French, 13 min.
Triangle Vert Productions
directed by
K-soul Cherix, Léonard Bernard
Written by
K-soul Cherix
K-soul Cherix