La simple science du vol

The Simple Science of Flight

Switzerland, Planned for 4th quarter 2024
FILM, Documentary, 27 min.

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directed by
Camille Anker
Written by
Camille Anker

When one dies in the pursuit of a passion, he is considered lucky. A death so brief that takes all at once. A desirable alternative to the long wait of life passing by. At the same time, the ones who remain are often haunted by the questions they can no longer ask the one who has gone.
A daughter, her brother and their mother keep looking for answers that are nowhere to be found... except perhaps in the notebook of a father gone too soon.


World Premiere
Planned for 4th quarter 2024
Original Version
French,  colour, ProRes 422, 27 min.
École cantonale d'art de Lausanne Département Cinéma
Jean-Guillaume Sonnier, Paolo Moretti
directed by
Camille Anker
Written by
Camille Anker
Camille Anker
Begoña Herrera
Location Sound Mix
Camille Anker
Sound Editing
Camille Anker

World Sales / World Rights

World Rights
École cantonale d'art de Lausanne