Jeremias Gotthelf

Switzerland, October 1997
FILM, Documentary, 64 min.

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directed by
Ernst Buchmüller
Written by
Ernst Buchmüller
In distribution

A film about the writer and pastor Jeremias Gotthelf (1797-1854), and his self-righteous novels that reveal a provincial life which, far from being idyllically pastoral, thrives on intrigues, pettiness and superstition. The film also looks at the falsified picture presented of Gotthelf in a number of radio plays and feature films, and the preparations in the Swiss Emmental region for the celebration of the second centenary of his birth.


World Premiere
October 1997
Original Version
German,  colour, Beta SP, 64 min.
Luis Bolliger
directed by
Ernst Buchmüller
Written by
Ernst Buchmüller

World Sales / World Rights

World Sales
Telepool GmbH