In altomare

Switzerland, January 2000
FILM, Documentary, 90 min.

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directed by
Markus Baumann, Hugo Sigrist
Written by
Markus Baumann, Hugo Sigrist
In distribution

Five Swiss families have turned their back on Switzerland to fulfil their dreams of a new life in Italy. They provide a glimpse of what it is like for people who have accepted the challenge of living as free citizens of Europe, in a neighbouring country. The film shows their present situation and provides insights into the life these families now lead and their feeling about the change after all this time. The film focuses on their different attitudes to the new homeland, questions of identity, their fears, hopes and prospects. For various reasons which have to do with their professions, vocations, economic circumstances, etc., the families maintain regular contacts with people in Switzerland and Germany. Their stories provide a very unique perspective of Switzerland and a rare opportunity to consider certain political, economic and human questions in a wider European context.


World Premiere
January 2000
Original Version
Swiss-German, German,  colour, Digi Beta, 90 min.
Büro für visuelle Medien, SRF Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen, SRF/3sat
directed by
Markus Baumann, Hugo Sigrist
Written by
Markus Baumann, Hugo Sigrist
Markus Baumann
Hugo Sigrist
Location Sound Mix
Hugo Sigrist

World Sales / World Rights

World Rights
Büro für visuelle Medien

Worldwide Distribution

Büro für visuelle Medien Distribution


(a selection)
