Im Wendekreis des Bären

Tropic Of Bear

Germany, January 2008
FILM, Fiction, 31 min.

Save as Favorite
directed by
Ciril Tscheligi
Written by
Thomas Huber
In distribution

Oktay is a chauffeur. In the daytime, he drives the rich and beautiful around Berlin. Through his rearview mirror, he sneaks glances at their exciting and carefree lives. In the evening, he cooks for his pubescent daughter and tries desperately to keep his small family together after his wife left them. Simultaneously, brown bear Bruno's flight from his pursuers, through mountainous forests, is keeping the nation in suspense. When Oktay loses his job, he starts rushing through the city like Bruno and builds a house of cards made of lies. Oktay tries to hide the bitter experience of his rapid social decline from Celina and the people around him – at all costs. When he meets a mysterious woman in Celina's schoolyard, he pretends to be someone he is not. The first date goes well. But disaster is about to strike…


World Premiere
January 2008
Original Version
German (english subtitles),  colour, Digi Beta, 31 min.
Filmuniversität Babelsberg Konrad Wolf, Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg RBB
Anya Grünewald
directed by
Ciril Tscheligi
Written by
Thomas Huber
Felix Leiberg
Johannes Ubrich
Sound Editing
Silvio Naumann
Re-Recording Mix
Silvio Naumann
Marcus Johannsen
Location Sound Mix
Steffan Gollhardt
Lighting Design
Theo Lustig


Oktay Khan
Malina Schreiber
Anja Schneider
Christian Grashof

World Sales / World Rights

World Rights
Filmuniversität Babelsberg Konrad Wolf


(a selection)

  • Locarno, Locarno Festival, Mention spéciale Pardi di domani (Giuria dei Giovani) 2008 (Winner)


(a selection)
