Gourmet – tarlischur e sgarschur

“These points and stars are great and you don't want to lose them.” Three top Rhaeto-Romanic chefs talk about the gourmet scene. Andreas Caminada, Dario Cadonau and Flurina Häsch-Maissen talk about what the so-called stars and points mean, what they mean to them and what downsides there are.


World Premiere
November 2021
Original Version
Raeto-Romance (german subtitles),  colour, DCP, 25 min.
Legria Productions GmbH Filmproduktion, RTR Radiotelevisiun Svizra Rumantscha
Manuela Morgenthaler
directed by
Manuela Morgenthaler
Written by
Manuela Morgenthaler
Gion Huonder, Roman Schmid
Sound Editing
Roman Schmid
Re-Recording Mix
Manfred Zazzi

World Sales / World Rights

World Rights
Legria Productions GmbH