Gefeiert und gefeuert

Switzerland, June 2003
FILM, Documentary, 53 min.

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directed by
Pino Aschwanden
Written by
Pino Aschwanden
In distribution

A manager restructures an ailing firm, and goes on holiday thereafter. Then, in the evening, a phone call: «When you return to work, please vacate your office. Have a nice holiday!» The manager is shocked, abandons his family, and eventually finds his way home months later. The film tells this and other terrible stories about breakdowns of those in upper management who have been fired. It illustrates how they cope with defeat, survive unemployment and deal with crushed self-esteem.


World Premiere
June 2003
Original Version
Swiss-German,  colour, Beta SP, 53 min.
SRF Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen
directed by
Pino Aschwanden
Written by
Pino Aschwanden
Quinn Evan Reimann
Daniel Stössel
Location Sound Mix
Jörg Ziegler