Emma lügt

Emma et les mensonges
Emma e le bugie

Switzerland, September 2022
SERIES, Fiction, 6x15min

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Created by
Laura de Weck
directed by
Bettina Oberli
Written by
Thomas Ritter
In distribution

Emma, the bright primary school pupil, lies like a trooper. The discourse about her tall tales gradually brings the lies of other family members to light: those of her unfaithful mother Isabelle, those used by her father Christian to try to save his marriage, and those of her older sister Liv, who is adored by Emma, that bring the family conflicts about truth and lies out into the open with dangerous consequences.

Emma, brillante alunna delle elementari, mente spudoratamente. L’accesa discussione sulle sue frottole porta gradualmente allo scoperto le bugie degli altri membri della famiglia, al punto che nessuno riesce più a capire chi stia dicendo la verità. I conflitti interni, svelati dalla sorella maggiore Liv, rischiano di spezzare ogni equilibrio.


World Premiere
September 2022
Original Version
Swiss-German,  colour, DCP, 90 min.
C-FILMS AG, SRF Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen
Peter Reichenbach, Martin Joss, Roland Stebler, Bettina Oberli
Created by
Laura de Weck
directed by
Bettina Oberli
Written by
Thomas Ritter
Location Sound Mix
Ivo Schläpfer
Sound Design
Manu Gerber, Mirjam Skal, Jakob Eisenbach
Mirjam Skal, Jakob Eisenbach
Production Design
Sabina Winkler, Aurelia Buchli
Lighting Design
Raphael Toel
Mareike Delaquis-Porschka
Make up
Tanja Maria Koller


Johanna Bantzer as Isabelle Wieler
Martin Vischer as Christian Wieler
Alma Klingenbeck as Emma Wieler
Paula Rappaport as Liv Wieler

World Sales / World Rights

World Rights