Il valore della donna è il suo silenzio

The Womans Greatest Value Is Her Silence
Das höchste Gut einer Frau ist ihr Schweigen
Le plus grand mérite de femme est son silence

Switzerland / Germany, October 1980
FILM, Fiction, 85 min.

Save as Favorite
directed by
Gertrud Pinkus
Written by
Gertrud Pinkus, Anna Monferdin
In distribution

The film deals with an immigrant woman from southern Italy, who lives in Frankfurt in the 1970s. Unusual about this film is the way of the storytelling. The original plan was to make a documentary, but none of the female protagonists were willing to be seen in front of the camera. The fear to expose their own family was too big. The law of “omerta” exists in the diaspora as well. A southern italian proverb states: “The girls greatest value is her beauty - the womans greatest value is her silence”. For this reason, in the film only the sound of Maria M. from Basilicata, can be heard. She remains anonymous. In the movie, southern italian emigrants act in Maria's story. In fact, they end up playing themselves, which gives the film several layers and adds a refreshing sense of humor.


World Premiere
October 1980
Original Version
Italian (german subtitles),  colour und s/w, 16mm, 85 min.
Filmkollektiv Zürich AG, SRF Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen, ZDF Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen
Rolf Schmid, Gertrud Pinkus
directed by
Gertrud Pinkus
Written by
Gertrud Pinkus, Anna Monferdin
Elio Bisignani
Gertrud Pinkus, Franziska Wirz
Otto Beatus
Location Sound Mix
Margit Eschenbach
Production Design
Antonella Stillitano
Lighting Design
André Pinkus


Maria Tucci Lagamba
Giuseppe Tucci

World Sales / World Rights

World Rights
Gertrud Pinkus

Worldwide Distribution

Filmcoopi Zürich AG Distribution


(a selection)


(a selection)
