Fela Bellotto
Animator, Producer, Director, Production Designer
- www.instagram.com/felabellotto
Geboren 1989 in der Schweiz. 2016 Bachelor in Animation 2D an der HSLU (Hochschule Luzern, Design & Kunst), Mitinhaberin YK Animation Studio.
(a selection)
- 2016
- Hypertrain by Fela Bellotto, Etienne Kompis
- 2015
- Es mü z'äng by Fela Bellotto, Lalita Brunner
- 2025
- TV oder Die Ruhestörung an der Waldbergstrasse by Frederic Siegel
- 2021
- Mr. Pete & the Iron Horse by Kilian Vilim
- 2020
- Little Miss Fate by Joder von Rotz
- 2025
- TV oder Die Ruhestörung an der Waldbergstrasse by Frederic Siegel
- 2021
- Mr. Pete & the Iron Horse by Kilian Vilim
- 2020
- Little Miss Fate by Joder von Rotz
- 2019
- Michaela Tereshkova's extremely obscure discovery by Lukas Pulver, Joder von Rotz, Fela Bellotto, Kerstin Zemp
- 2018
- Coyote by Lorenz Wunderle
- 2018
- Concrete by Pirmin Bieri, Luca Struchen, Aira Joana, Nicolas Roth
- 2018
- Kuap by Nils Hedinger
- 2018
- Perforato by Andrea Giovanni Sidoti, Hannes Oehen
- 2017
- Ooze by Kilian Vilim
- 2016
- Hypertrain by Fela Bellotto, Etienne Kompis
- 2015
- Seemannsgarn by Julia Munz, Claudia Wirth
- 2015
- Es mü z'äng by Fela Bellotto, Lalita Brunner
Production Designer
- 2022
- FUN-DO by Jonas Raeber
(a selection)
- 2017
- Genève, Swiss Film Award 2017, Swiss Film Award, Best Graduate Film (Nomination) in Hypertrain