Fiorella Castanotto
Director, Editor
Née en 1968 à Lausanne. Nationalités suisse et italienne. Licence en Lettres, en Histoire, Italien, Sociologie et Anthropologie de l’Université de Lausanne. Diplôme postgrade de l’EPFL (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne) en Société, Science et Technologie. Études au Rockport Film College, USA. Dès 2003 montage et réalisation de documentaires et de films promotionnels.
Born in 1968 in Lausanne. Joint Swiss and Italian citizenship. Received degree in Languages, History, Italian, Sociology and Anthropology from the University of Lausanne. Received Postgraduate degree from EPFL (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne) in Society, Science and Technology. Attended Masters programm at Rockport Film College, USA. Since 2003 works as editor and filmmaker of documentaries and commissioned films.
(a selection)
- 2009
- La marche de Reena by Fiorella Castanotto
- 2008
- Emile Gardaz, la voix du poète by Kamal Musale, Fiorella Castanotto
- 2008
- Le cairn by Fiorella Castanotto
- 2008
- Emile Gardaz, la voix du poète by Kamal Musale, Fiorella Castanotto
- 2006
- États généraux by Kamal Musale
(a selection)
- Open Cinema International Short and Animation Film Festival, Jury Diploma «For beauty and integrity of the image» (Winner) in La marche de Reena