Cyrill Gerber
Producer, Cinematographer, Actor
- Website
Cyrill Gerber, born 1984, studied philosophy and German in Basel. He initially worked as a screenwriter. In 2015/16 he continued his education as a producer at the Bavarian Academy for Television. In 2016-2018 he produced his first feature film as production manager and producer together with Simon Hesse and Batbayar Chogsom. OUT OF PARADISE won the prize for best film at the Shanghai International Film Festival in 2018.
(a selection)
- 2014
- maavälimaa - shooting a picture < by Armin Biehler
- 2025
- Ereignisse am Ende der Welt by Garrick J Lauterbach
- 2026
- Provinzhauptstadt by Damian Dlaboha
- 2025
- Safe Space by Sarah Horst
- 2025
- Pina by Florian Kasperski
- 2025
- Imagine Peace by Fabian Chiquet
- 2023
- I'll Remember you by Fabian Chiquet, Victor Moser
- 2023
- Waking up in Vegas by Michèle Flury
- 2022
- Une histoire provisoire by Romed Wyder
- 2021
- Soul of a Beast by Lorenz Merz
- 2021
- Die Pazifistin. Gertrud Woker: Eine vergessene Heldin by Fabian Chiquet, Matthias Affolter
- 2018
- Out of Paradise by Batbayar Chogsom