Jean Nouvel

Jean Nouvel – Ästhetik des Wunderbaren

Switzerland, August 1998
FILM, Documentary, 55 min.

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directed by
Beat Kuert
Written by
Beat Kuert
In distribution

Jean Nouvel is one of the most individual, innovative architects of today. Particularly well known are his designs for the Institut du Monde Arabe in Paris, the Lyons Opera House, the headquarters of the Fondation Cartier, and of course his more breathtaking projects including the Tokyo Opera House and the bold blueprint for the “tower without end”. The film is exceptionally thorough in its presentation of both the man and his work. With 10 of his most recent buildings as examples, Jean Nouvel explains his personal view of architecture. The portrait of an artist actively involved with today’s world, on which he attempts to impose his own philosophy.


World Premiere
August 1998
Original Version
French,  colour, Beta SP, 55 min.
Al Castello Produzioni cinematografiche SA, ARTE G.E.I.E., SRF Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen, RSI Radiotelevisione svizzera
directed by
Beat Kuert
Written by
Beat Kuert
Reinhard Schatzmann, Beat Kuert
Beat Kuert
Location Sound Mix
Lucius Kuert

World Sales / World Rights

World Rights
Al Castello Produzioni cinematografiche SA

Worldwide Distribution

Al Castello Produzioni cinematografiche SA Distribution


(a selection)
