New York: Animation First’s focus on Swiss Animation

New York
United States of America
21.01. - 26.01.2025

Animation First’s focus on Swiss Animation presents a wide range of Swiss Animation from the past until today.

Three animated feature-length films are screening at the festival: Claude Barras' MY LIFE AS A ZUCCHINI and the US premiere of SAVAGES. YUKU AND THE HIMALAYAN FLOWER (a swiss minority coproduction) is completing the Swiss feature films offer screened in NY. Besides the feature films, a comprehensive focus presents to the strong production of animated shorts in Switzerland.

Filmmakers Georges Schwizgebel, celebrated figure of Swiss animation, and Marina Rosset will both be attending the festival and introducing their work. An hommage is dedicated to the mesmerizing work of Gisèle and Nag Ansorge, two pioneers of Swiss animation who developed sand animation.

In Conversation with Georges Schwizegebel - Saturday, January 25, 2025 / 02:00pm

Marina Rosset: The Enchanting Power of Animation - Sunday, January 26, 2025 / 05:15pm

Caught in Moving Sand: The Films of Gisèle and Nag Ansorge - Saturday, January 25, 2025 / 04:30pm
