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lire en anglais
Born 1948 in St. Gallen, Switzerland. Wildlife photographer, conservation activist and author. He is an advisor to various organisations such as The World Society for the Protection of Animals, The Cheetah Conservation Fund and The Biosynergy Institute. His images and texts on the bushmeat trade in Africa have appeared in magazines such as Stern, Focus, New York Times Magazine, Newsweek, Airone and many others.
lire en allemand
Geboren 1948 in St. Gallen, Schweiz. Wildtierfotograf, Artenschutzaktivist und Autor. Er ist Berater verschiedener Organisationen, beispielsweise von The World Society for the Protection of Animals, The Cheetah Conservation Fund und The Biosynergy Institute. Seine Bilder und Texte über den Buschfleischhandel in Afrika erschienen in Zeitschriften wie «Stern», «Focus», «New York Times Magazine», «Newsweek», «Airone» und vielen anderen.