Caroline Feder
Editor, Production Designer, Screenwriter, Director
Geboren 1989 in Basel, Schweiz. 2009 Fotografie Diplom. 2014 Bachelor of Arts in Film der ZHdK (Zürcher Hochschule der Künste), Vertiefung Schnitt.
(a selection)
- 2014
- The Masterpiece by Caroline Feder
- 2014
- The Masterpiece by Caroline Feder
- 2025
- Unser Geld by Hercli Bundi
- 2018
- Gottardo by Yoav Parish
- 2015
- Leonardo by Ilir Hasanaj
- 2014
- The Masterpiece by Caroline Feder
- 2013
- Color Separation by Yoav Parish
- 2013
- Le dimanche en famille by Annie Gisler
- 2013
- Célestine by Annie Gisler
Production Designer
- 2014
- Von Faltbooten und Heringen by Elena Brotschi