Robi Engler
Born in 1940 in St. Gallen. Apprenticeship as a graphic artist and attends the art school. Has worked at various ad agencies in London and Paris. 1967 Studies of animation film at the Ecole National Supérieur des Arts Décoratifs in Paris. 1975 Founding of the “Atelier Animagination”. Since then freelance director and guest lecturer for animation abroad and at home. Made several animation series for television in the 1980s and 90s.
(a selection)
- 2018
- 50:50 by Loretta Arnold, Fela Bellotto, William Crook, Jochen Ehmann, Moritz Engi, Robi Engler, Yves Gutjahr, Gerd Gockell, Raphaël Haab, Tom Hänni, Delia Hess, Marcel Hobi, Aline Höchli, Joel Hofmann, Justine Klaiber, Sophie Laskar-Haller, Séverine Leibundgut, Manuela Leuenberger, Vladislav Lukyantsev, Elena Madrid, Franziska Meyer, Gabriel Möhring, Veronica L. Montaño, Camille Müller, Marjolaine Perreten, Jonas Raeber, Dustin Rees, Claudia Röthlin, Georges Schwizgebel, Anja Sidler, Alessia Tamagni, Basil Vogt, Charlotte Waltert, Jonathan Wuest
- 2003
- Globi by Robi Engler
- 2000
- Le Tram 12 by Robi Engler
- 1997
- Metamorphosis by Robi Engler
- 1985
- Autoroute by Robi Engler
- 1981
- Poursuite by Robi Engler
- 1976
- L' étude de la biologie animale by Robi Engler
- 2025
- Le choix de la fin by Béatrice Meizoz