Antoine Jaccoud
Screenwriter, Director
Copyright: Jean-Claude Péclet
Born in 1957 in Lausanne, Switzerland. A graduate in political science, he worked a few years as journalist at the Swiss magazine L'Hebdo before training in screenwriting with Krysztof Kieslowski first, then Frank Daniel. He now writes for cinema, theatre, spoken word and teaches in various film schools and workshops in Europe and elsewhere. In 2013, he received the Literature Prize of the Fondation vaudoise pour la culture for his entire writing career and the Honorary Prize of the Solothurn Film Festival for his work in Swiss cinema.
(a selection)
- 2020
- Retour à Visegrad by Julie Biro, Antoine Jaccoud
- 2012
- Déposer les enfants by Bettina Oberli, Antoine Jaccoud
- 2027
- Quiet Land by Ursula Meier
- 2026
- Matterhorn Circus by Manuel von Stürler
- 2026
- Neiges éternelles by François Kohler
- 2023
- Lettres ouvertes by Katharine Dominicé
- 2022
- La Ligne by Ursula Meier
- 2021
- Le sexe c'est dégoûtant by Pierre-Yves Borgeaud
- 2020
- Retour à Visegrad by Julie Biro, Antoine Jaccoud
- 2019
- Kosovo is Everywhere by Matthieu Moerlen
- 2018
- Ondes de choc – Journal de ma tête by Ursula Meier
- 2018
- Insulaire by Stéphane Goël
- 2018
- Le vent tourne by Bettina Oberli
- 2016
- Miséricorde by Fulvio Bernasconi
- 2015
- Kacey Mottet Klein, naissance d'un acteur by Ursula Meier
- 2014
- Bouboule by Bruno Deville
- 2014
- Tišina Mujo by Ursula Meier
- 2012
- Happy Ends by Haris Prolics
- 2012
- Sister by Ursula Meier
- 2012
- Déposer les enfants by Bettina Oberli, Antoine Jaccoud
- 2008
- Un petit coin de paradis by Jacqueline Veuve
- 2008
- Luftbusiness by Dominique de Rivaz
- 2008
- Home by Ursula Meier
- 2000
- Azzurro by Denis Rabaglia
- 1999
- La bonne conduite by Jean-Stéphane Bron
- 1997
- Fritz et Franz by Gaby Schädler
- 1997
- Connu de nos services by Jean-Stéphane Bron
- 1994
- Cap Vert by François Kohler
- 1993
- A l'ouest du Pecos by Stéphane Goël
(a selection)
- 2023
- Genève, Swiss Film Award 2023, Best Screenplay (Winner) in La Ligne
- 2015
- Abidjan, Trophées Francophones du Cinéma 2015, Trophée Francophone du scénario (Nomination) in Bouboule
- 2015
- Genève, Swiss Film Award 2015, Swiss Film Award, Best Screenplay (Nomination) in Bouboule
- 2013
- Genève, Swiss Film Award 2013, Swiss Film Award, Best Screenplay (Winner) in Sister
- Festival International du Cinéma d'Auteur de Rabat, Prix du meilleur scénario (Winner) in Home
- 2009
- Luzern, Swiss Film Award 2009, Swiss Film Award «Quartz», Best Screenplay (Winner) in Home